288 S Second St, San Jose, CA

Accessibility Information

Guggenheim Entertainment is happy to provide you with information about 3Below Theaters and its accessibility information. There is no charge for caregivers or escorts accompanying patrons who are registered as disabled.

Wheelchair Users

  • The entire venue is free of stairs. Guests will find flat surfaces and ramps to get anywhere in the theaters and lobby.
  • There are accessible toilets in both the men’s and women’s restrooms. When you arrive in the lobby, you’ll find the restrooms are in the far left corner with large stalls for wheelchairs including a private sink.
  • The theaters are on the far right of the venue and each has space for wheelchairs with adjacent companion seating. There is a maximum of 5 wheelchair spaces available in Theatre 3 and a maximum of 2 wheelchair spaces in Theaters 1 and 2. 
  • In Theater 3, we also have four Transfer Seats. These are seats with armrests that raise and no chair sidewall designed for guests who want to use their walker or wheelchair to get to their chair and then transfer out to a theater seat. NOTE: you cannot leave your wheelchair or walker in the aisle adjacent to any of the transfer seats. Your walker or wheelchair will need to be stored at the back of the theater (space permitting) or in the lobby. If you cannot be without your walking assist or would not be comfortable waiting for someone to bring it to you, please book seats L11, L12, L13, or L14 since you’ll have more access to your walker or wheelchair than you would in rows D or G.
  • When you collect your tickets please notify a member of staff if you wish to transfer to a theatre seat so they can assist you.


  • 3Below Theaters is equipped with a hearing assistance system. Please ask the house staff for a receiver upon arrival.


  • 3Below is a step-free venue.
  • Service Animals are welcome in the auditorium, please request an aisle seat when you purchase your tickets. 


To purchase tickets or to contact us about any specific requirements you may have please call the venue at 408/404-7711 or email info@3BelowTheaters.com.